Thursday, November 27, 2014

WWE fired CM Punk via letter on his wedding day

After 11 months of silence CM Punk opted today to reveal all about his protracted exit from the WWE.
Speaking on his friend Colt Cobana's "The Art of Wrestling' podcast the Chicago native spoke for almost two-hours, uncovering virtually every detail his final moments in the WWE.
The entire interview is a must listen for wrestling fans but perhaps the biggest revelation of all was the news that CM Punk only discovered his firing by the WWE had been made official when he received a FedEx letter from the organization on the day of his wedding.
Punk clearly remains angry at the timing of WWE's move - which it has to be said is pretty callous - and firmly believes that the letter's arrival on what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life was a calculated, pre-meditated move by Vince McMahon and co.
CM Punk revealed all in an interview today
After months of wrangling about unpaid royalties and silent treatment from the WWE Punk, two days before his wedding, received a call from Triple H who wished to speak to him despite over two months of silence.
After telling HHH via text that he would be more than willing to discuss things after his wedding and honeymoon Punk revealed that he got no response. Until his wedding day that is.
"The day of my wedding I got a FedEx in the mail - it was my termination papers, I was fired," explained Punk.
"I was fired on my wedding day. Very calculated, very deliberate and as much as I kind of chuckled at it and didn't let it affect my day I was like again 'you pushed too f*****g far, you pushed the wrong guy'."
Punk, who vented his anger and frustration at Vince McMahon throughout the interview, pointed the finger at the veteran CEO for his cold-hearted decision.
"Here's Vince McMahon who wants to hug me goodbye and he has tears in his eyes...and he f***ing fires me on my wedding day."
Having not featured in the WWE since January's Royal Rumble and having made his feelings felt towards Vince McMahon and Triple H in March, the letter did not arrive out the blue.
But the timing of the termination papers certainly seem more than a coincidence. Punk makes it clear in the interview that he had spent several weeks contacting those at the WWE wishing to speak to them about money owed and his exit from the company, with no success.

Surely the WWE could have found time to deal with his termination at a time more suitable for the wrestler even if they remained angry with the way CM Punk had left things with the hierarchy.

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